
Monday, July 28, 2014

lesson from that different lady

Widdlest had her very first clinic this past weekend, with Heather Mason.

My trainer suggested I do the clinic because we're really pushing to get that 70% in recognized competition, perhaps even bring it when we're at regionals!

Lots of homework for the widdlest girl & myself.

She needs more suppleness through her body, so spiral ins & spiral outs at the trot, with true bend and counter bend.

Need to influence more with the seat to get a much larger walk out of her (i knew she had more in there!).

She needs to have her nose further out in front of her in free walk & stretchie trot. She likes to duck btv.

Canter transitions: no more rushing into canter. trot must ALWAYS STAY THE SAME SPEED. No cantering if trot increases in speed AT ALL. If trot to canter cannot be maintained in a calm & organized fashion, must proceed to walk-canter transitions until the liddle horsie is reasonable, and canters off in a correct and non-resistant fashion.

If canter quickens or becomes unruly, bring to a halt and try again. If this happens a second time, halt & reinback only a few steps (depending on the level of belligerence) until desired results are achieved.

Also, true bend & counter bend in canter to create suppleness through the body.

Trot leg yields from centerline to the wall: if fussing, increase difficulty by inserting walk/trot transitions mid-leg yield; until appreciation for easier work occurs.


Heather thinks Dezi is adorable & immediately remarked that she can easily go up the levels. Also asked if I was planning on keeping her. :3 of course i am.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mare-ily We Go Along

So. Recognized Competition Record for Dezi...

Training 2 - 64.107%
Training 3 - 62.4%

Training 2 - 66.25%
Training 3 - 62.4%

Training 2 - 68.75%
Training 3 - 64%

Training 3 - 64%

We have qualified for the Colonel Bengt Ljungquist Memorial Championships at Training Level & Region 1 GAIGs at Training Level.
Now we that we're all qualified, we can actually work on getting that 70%! Never in a million years would I have thought that not only am I able to set goals & attain them, but I have the self confidence and knowledge to be able to feel confident in schooling my 4 year old and feel like I'm making significant progress with each ride!
And I've decided to rating my rides on a scale, like tests. So I know what it feels like when I have that 70% ride at home, so I have a better chance of making it happen at the show. :D

Had a 68 ride this morning (not actually a show score... I gotta start gauging my rides so I have a better idea when I go to shows), working our way towards that 70!! Steadier in the bridle in w/t/c, spent a lot of time on those pesky transitions, got after myself a bit with my pseudo sitting deep in the canter, and trying to get more actual bend with legs instead of depending on those darn controlling hands! I can totally do this, I have been given the tools and dammit I'm gonna use them!

I'm so glad I was finally able to feel the pseudo-seat in canter... It's gives the appearance of being used but isn't actually doing it's job. Frustrating!